It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guest Brian Blount

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SID: Brian, we’re told to proclaim the kingdom of God mandate. What is the kingdom of God?

BRIAN: Well, the kingdom of God is doing what Jesus did. It’s the rule and reign of God coming on earth and just as Jesus did as He healed the sick, He cast out demons, He raised the dead, He brought the future into the present right now. It’s tangible. It’s the tangible presence of God and that everybody can walk in it.

And what I love about Jesus is He could have done this ministry all by Himself, but what did He do? He took 12 guys, put His Spirit upon them, sent them out, and they began to proclaim the kingdom just as He did.

Now, not only did He do it with 12, He did it with 72 other nameless, faceless, disciples. This was probably men, women, children, and they were doing the same thing that Jesus was doing. They were bringing the kingdom with demonstration, not just proclamation.

SID: And speaking about going, we were told to go.

BRIAN: That’s right, Matthew 10. “As you go, preach this Gospel. Heal the sick, cast out demons, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, fully receive, fully give.” And I love that first part. It says, “As you go.” That means as you go on your journey.

So, I don’t know where you go, but I go to Walmart. I go to the movies. I go to Wendy’s. I go all these normal places, business meetings, soccer games, and in every one of those mundane places we go, that’s the mission of the kingdom, right there. So it’s the body being Jesus with skin on.

SID: By the way, you had that great lightning of God hit you when Blaine Cook prayed for you. You’re just someone special.

BRIAN: Sid, it’s just not true. I’m a graphic designer. I’m just a guy just trying to love Jesus. My heart is to take people along the way and equip them to do exactly what Jesus told us to do. And it’s really not that hard. It’s simple. But it’s taking that step of faith, or we spell it R-I-S-K.

Right? And what I’ve understood is that risk opens the door to the impossible.

SID: You had a recent trip to South Africa. Tell me about the IT person, Carrie.

BRIAN: Oh, Sid, I love this story because this shows about the ordinary, everyday person. Carrie came on with me with a team of about 30 people. And she’s an IT specialist. And she had been in the meetings doing stuff, and this was the first time she’s done this stuff. Well, we had a break one day. So she was going to the Pick and Pay, which is like a Walmart.

She’s just going through the line and she sees the lady at the cash register, and she goes, “Hey, can I pray for you for anything? Do you have any pain?” The lady busts out crying and starts, “Yes, I need healing.” Carrie prays for her right on the spot and she gets completely healed.

And then guess what happens? The lady says, “Can you pray for some more people?” So Carrie says okay. So this lady took her around to the back, gave them a room, put four people in there and she’s praying for these four people. Well, she’s amazed by that because all four of them get healed.

Now, what happens next is pretty interesting. So she opens the door thinking that she’s through. And she looks down the line and there’s a queue of 20 women waiting for her to pray. Sid, that day, all 20 of those women were completely healed and she was equipping them as she had just been equipped.

SID: Do you believe you can equip any believer to walk in the supernatural, have miracles wherever they go, and then lead the people to the Lord? To me, that’s the purpose of a miracle. You demonstrate the kingdom then you’ve earned the right to present the king. Ordinary people with an extraordinary God doing the same words that Jesus did. And by the way, the Bible says you’ll even do greater.

Now, when we come back, I need you to explain the thing that revolutionized your ministry when you came to the realization … Well, you’ll explain it when we come right back.

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January 27th, 2019 at 4:17 am

Our Guest Sandra Teplinsky

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SID:  I want to conclude this with Psalm 122, verse 6. Of all the nations in the world, there is only one nation that God puts a specific blessing on. Israel! If you bless Israel, you will be blessed. He doesn’t say that about France. He doesn’t say that about England. Doesn’t say that about Australia. Doesn’t say it about the United States of America. Psalm 122:6 says: “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Thou shalt prosper that love thee.” And guess what? I looked up that word “prosper.” It doesn’t mean what most people think. Most people think “money,” I’ll get money if I pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Huh! It means something that money cannot purchase. It means in the Hebrew “heart peace.” Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. You shall have heart peace, God says, in a time, in a season we’re living in, when yet once more I’m going to shake this earth. That’s what you see happening right now. A thousand fall at your side, ten thousand at the other side. It shall not come near you. You’re going to be in heart peace because you pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Now I wonder if any of you have a question you would like to ask Sandy. Would you mind coming up here, please. I know, it’s sort of like a salvation [call], close your eyes, raise your hand, everyone stand up. (laughing) You know, same thing. Would you mind coming up here and make it because you’ll be in more of the light and come closer to me “cause you’ll be in more light. Okay.

QUESTIONER #1:  I just wondered if in the end time what nations are the sheep nations? Does that identify what those nations are? Because my understanding is that the nations shall turn against Israel. So are there any good ones left we need to move to? (laughter) Please?

SID:  In my opinion, I’m going to answer it first and then Sandy can, in my opinion the safest nation in the world for you and for you is to be where God calls you. Because it doesn’t, flat doesn’t matter. I agree with you, it says in Zechariah “all nations will turn against Jerusalem.” I guess it’s a matter of time. I want the United States to hold out—

QUESTIONER #1:  I do too, I do too.

SID:  — just until! (laughs) Yeah, you follow. But yeah, I think because basically “all” means all to me. How about you, Sandy?

SANDY:  That’s how I understand it. I do believe that there will be very possibly areas, you know pockets where, where, where God, God will bless communities that are serving Him and worshipping Him and maybe Christian communities in the future but my understanding is that no nation will stand with Israel in the end, only the Church, the true Church from among all nations.

QUESTIONER #1:  So would the Church be protected then?

SANDY:  Some.

SID:  But you know I like what she just said. I like the idea of there will be pockets of believers that the glory will be so strong that someone’ll walk, walk, walk in with a bomb and won’t be able to penetrate that glory. That’s what I believe. Thank you.

QUESTIONER #2:  Hi, Sandy. I just recently returned from a visit to the West Bank on September 15th so I personally witnessed the “pollywood?” Is that how you pronounce it?

SANDY:  —”paliwood”

QUESTIONER #2:  —that you spoke of. And my concern is when you have that type of propaganda, that message that goes out and its, and it’s very strategic, very real, how do you lovingly share that with believers with, and, and who are really taken in by what they perceive to be an atrocity on the Palestinian people by the Israeli, uh you know, government and by Jews in particular. How, how, how do we craft our message? What, what can we do? Besides pray?


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January 19th, 2019 at 4:14 am

Our Guest Perry Stone

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PERRY:  So here’s another one. Ready? The tail of the dragon and serpent, remember it’s actually the Greek word for serpent, draws a third of the stars of heaven. You know what’s really wild? There is another snake in heaven. All the ancients know it as “Hydra, the serpent.” And if, if you take it and put it right in the circuit of heaven where the twelve major constellations are, from head, from the head of it to the tail of it, it can take up a third of the heaven. If you, if you take it this way and then turn it around and go that way, and I’m talking about in the circuit, some say it’s about a fourth total where it sits, but if you move it in to where the circuit is— Now is that not amazing how God would take an emblem of a snake, they called it a dragon. Because why? So that the people of that day who were so aware of this stuff, He would say “Now wait a minute, let me show you the real story of what happens in the heavens. Let me, let me use parallels.” So, so the point I make is we in the west, we don’t speak in symbolism. You know, we just tell it like it is. “I’m going to tell it like it is. You know, give him my piece of mind! Okay?” And we just make it clear: that’s purple, that’s blue, uh, the floor right here is black. That’s grey carpet. And we just tell it plain. We don’t say “And I saw sapphire-looking bricks—


PERRY:      —like the firmament of the heaven on a clear day. No, I just say “That’s pretty colorful, it looks like a sapphire blue, ain’t it? Cool.” Okay? We don’t talk that way. But the ancients, if you’ve ever read the writings of the philosophers, they were detailed. They were descriptive. And the culture of that day demanded that a book be written in that form. Another thing you have to understand is let’s go back— “cause Daniel— Here’s something else. The Book of Daniel is the companion book to the Book of Revelation. I mean there are ten things that Daniel saw that John repeats. All right? One of the thing, one of the things that John saw that Daniel never got in detail with is, uh, John saw the “false prophet” in Revelation, chapter 13. And most of your Old Testament writers they see the “anti-Christ”, but they never see the “false prophet.” Now why does John wait to see the false prophet? Because the false prophet is representative as a lamb which is a false Christianity, and so God never showed it to Daniel “cause Christianity didn’t exist then. So what God does is He waits ‘til it exists. He waits ‘til it come into existence. And then He said, Okay, John, I’m going to show you something else. There’s a lamb with two horn’s going to come with this guy and he’s going to issue them— and He goes into all that. So God waits— it’s almost like— Let me say it to you this way— uh, this, this is good. I think Sid will appreciate this. It’s like the teaching of “The Rapture.” And one of the arguments I get about the Rapture teaching is, is people will say “Well, I’ve read the whole Old Testament and it’s not there.” Let me tell you something. Everything that’s doctrinally sound in prophecy is always found in the Torah. I wish I had time to show you all this. It’s always found.

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January 7th, 2019 at 8:02 am

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Our Guest Perry Stone

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Perry: I had to meditate on what did John mean when he said this book is a Revelation of Yeshua the Christ and yet He doesn’t appear all through the Book. Then you have to go into the Book to understand what’s going on. And I want to show you this. In the Old Testament time, there were three major positions. A prophet, a priest and a king. The prophet gave the voice of the Lord to the people, the priest made the intercession on behalf of the people, but the king had the authority over the people. And they all, when Israel was properly working, they all worked in cooperation with one other on behalf of the people of Israel.  Now when Jesus came to walk on the earth for about 33 years approximately, 33 and a half years, we know that He was called a prophet by the people. Even He said a prophet hath no honor in his own country. So they viewed Him on earth as a prophet. Now, when He leaves the earth in Acts chapter 1, goes back to heaven, Paul in Hebrews says He is the High Priest of the profession of our faith. So for well over 1900 and 80 some years Christ has been the High Priest ever-living to make intercession generation after generation after generation. But He is a priest according to Paul in Hebrews after the Order of Melchizedek. Melchizedek is found in Genesis, chapter 14. He is the, he is the priest of “Yerushalayim,” or Jerusalem. In that day it was called, your Bible translates this as Salem, it should be Shalem, which is the, a word out of which we get Shalom, he’s king of, actually it’s king of Shalom, which is the City of Peace, early name of Jerusalem. And this Melchizedek is, is King of Righteousness, from two Hebrew words, King of Righteousness. But he is a king and a priest, in other words he’s ruling from Jerusalem but he receives the tithe from Melchizedek which is what the priesthood would do. And so Jesus had to be a king and a priest. That’s my point.  He couldn’t be just a priest. He had to also be a king if he’s going to be after the order of this first man in Genesis, chapter 14. Now having said that, this is very important that you understand this. That in Revelation 1 when you see Him with a white garment. He’s got a gold belt on. He has no crown on His head. It’s very important in Revelation 1 you notice that there’s no identification. All He has is hair like wool. It’s like He’s got Sid Roth hair, you understand. White like wool, as white as snow. Believe me Perry Stone would have that too if he didn’t use something called dye on it. Ha! So just so you’ll know I’m pretty gray under all this. My little girl wants me to cover it up because she says I look too old so I did that for my little girl. That’s the excuse I use, at least.


PERRY:  But in chapter 1 of Revelation you see Him and you know what you have a picture of there? A priest on the Day of Atonement.  Because on the Day of Atonement the High Priest had to take off all of his 8 “Garments of Beauty” which is the breastplates, the blue garment, the red, the, the miter which is the gold crown that says “Holy unto the Lord,” had to take it off and he had to put on four linen garments, linen pants that went down to the ankle, a linen robe, a linen belt and he had a linen headdress. Now in Revelation you see Jesus with the gold belt. I always said that gold belt is like World Wrestling Federation, that means He’s the champion, you know. So that’s, now that’s not in the Bible by the way, I just want to make that clear. But, uh, He’s got the gold belt on and He’s standing there before the candlestick so in other words that’s a picture of priest.

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December 24th, 2018 at 4:48 am

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Our Guest Mary Hasz

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SID: Mary, you had a form of muscular dystrophy you were born with. What was it called?

MARY: Charcot-Marie-Tooth.

SID: What is the prognosis for this disease?

MARY: It is an incurable disease. It affects your extremities, your arms and your legs, and eventually the nerves stop sending messages to the muscles. You begin drawing up and atrophying and lose use of certain muscle groups.

SID: At age 12, you developed scoliosis and it says here that your spine had a curvature of 33 degrees.

MARY: Yes. One shoulder blade scapula developed more than the other. My back was very distorted and I had a burning sensation that if I lifted anything, I would usually have to go lie down for an hour because the pain was so great, I had to wait ’til it would pass before I could function again.

SID: At age 19, jumping real quickly, you had a healing. How did you get that?

MARY: At age 14, I went to a David Wilkerson Crusade and the Holy Spirit said, “Go down front.” I said, “I’m saved. You know I’m saved.” He said, “I want those in your high school to know your mind.” I went down front and filled out a card and they discipled me through the mail through the book of John. By reading the book of John, the Holy Spirit highlighted Scriptures that Jesus healed them all. I got ahold of that I am one of them “all.” I came across a Scripture and Jesus cast out the devil and they were healed.

I looked down at my body as a child and went, “This is a devil.” I searched Scriptures at age 14. I began trying to read all through the Bible, came across James 4:7. “Therefore, submit unto God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” Over five years I stood on that Scripture. My mother took me anywhere she thought they would lay hands on me and pray for me, and over five years every bit of the disease left my body.

SID: I believe they did an analysis of your spine and the curvature. What did the doctor say about that? By the way, there is surgery that perhaps you could be corrected, but you didn’t have surgery. What did the doctor say?

MARY: Duke Medical Children’s Hospital x-rayed me every few months during these five years when I am standing on Scriptures, believing for my healing. They would line them all up and they would just shake their heads because every time I went in, the degree got less and less and less.

SID: Okay, 16 years go by, fast forward, five children, married. You had a little incident, a home church. You went there and they literally embarrassed you.

MARY: Publicly.

SID: Publicly humiliated you. You were wounded. Six months later, the disease hit you with a vengeance, far worse.

MARY: My husband and I walked a few blocks from our house, went through a park. We’re coming out of the park and in one step, I got paralyzed below both knees. Rich was walking down the road and I began calling his name. “Rich! Rich!” He turns around and he’s like, “Come on!” I go, “Come here!” He comes back and he goes, “what are you doing?” I said, “I can’t walk.” He goes, “What do you mean, you can’t walk?” I said, “I cannot move either leg.” He had to go home and get the vehicle and he had to carry me and put me in it. Those began the darkest days of my life. But I made a mistake in that moment.

SID: What did you do?

MARY: In my heart, I said, “The disease has returned.” I made an agreement in my heart with this disease and I should have resisted it.

SID: These symptoms can come back through the same demonic forces that brought them in the first place and if you can resist it at that moment, you don’t have to put up with it. That’s the easiest time to resist it.

MARY: God gave me a key on that. He said, “If you will take John 10:10 and divide the rest of your life by that one Scripture, you will no longer deal with this stuff.” John 10:10 says, “The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy, and Jesus came to give life and life more abundantly.” He said, “If it’s coming to steal, kill, or destroy from you, anything, your thoughts, physical body, stop agreeing with it. If it’s bringing life, that’s where your agreement is. That where you let your mind go. That’s what you focus on. But you have to resist when it’s coming to steal, kill, and destroy.”

SID: You know what? She grabbed hold of that Scripture, but at that time she was in such a deep, dark pit that you really wanted to die.

MARY: I did. Now, cluster migraines have set in. I’m in bed over 16 days a month. That is how many. I would have four days of migraines, maybe two days out. Five days of migraine, and it was this vicious cycle day after day. I didn’t know if I could get out of bed. The pain is so great that I told God, “My husband’s good-looking. He’s very kind. Somebody else can come in here and take care of these children ’cause I am failing at this.” I began hating myself. I began despising myself and I cried out to God, “Please let me die.”

SID: We’re going to be right back, but she also cried out a question. “Why, God? Why me?” Be right back.

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December 17th, 2018 at 7:24 am

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