It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guests Jermaine & Rebecca Francis

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SID: Rebecca, you say that every believer who has the Holy Spirit in them, or they wouldn’t be a believer, can prophesy. I think it’s really a lack of knowledge and fear.

REBECCA: Absolutely. For one thing, many of us just haven’t been told or exposed to that idea that we can prophesy. But Paul said, “I would that all of you prophesy.” And I imagine Paul saying, “I want every one of you to prophesy.” And so that exposure to the idea that we all could hear God’s voice is kind of the first step. And then the truth is that the very first lie really I think that the enemy said to Eve in the Garden was has God really said? And so he challenged her confidence in her ability to hear God when she was walking with him in person. So that intimidation, that fear, the enemy is still saying that same phrase to us today. Did God really speak to you? Is that really what he said? Did you really hear it right? And that’s the plan of the enemy to separate us from the voice of God with intimidation and fear.

JERMAINE:  When you hear from God, you begin to see how he sees a person, he begins to see a perspective. You get a glimpse into how God views something and that heart begins to come alive inside of you. You’re like, “Wow, this is God’s perspective on this situation or this person.” And it just takes you into seeing God and to see how he views us.

SID: Tell me about this dark mantle.

JERMAINE:  Yes. And so the Lord gave me a prophetic vision where he showed me that there are these leaders and people of influence spread out globally who are wearing these dark mantles and they were keeping darkness in operation. They were keeping evil in operation in the earth. And I saw the Lord come in and begin to strip these mantles off. And as he did, his light began to break forth in those places. And so what I felt Lord saying through that was that he’s getting ready to raise up people that are going to replace where evil has once dominated certain structures and certain systems. That he’s bringing his people that’s going to bring his light into those industries, into those areas, into those places of authority that darkness has once really occupied.

SID: Rebecca, why is it important for every believer to be activated in prophecy?

REBECCA: All of us have a part to play in God building his kingdom on earth, and Jesus taught us how to pray. He said to pray thy will be done. Thy kingdom come, they will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Well, we have the Bible as the overall what God’s will is, but what about our day to day lives? How do we really pray Lord, your will be done if we don’t even know what his will actually is? Which job should I take? Deciding where to move my family and so forth. We need to hear the voice of God to be led by his voice so that we can release that in our lives and cause his will to be done on earth.

SID: Well, you know what I think it’s so wonderful? The two of you have had this breakthrough in prophecy, but it’s almost like there is a presence of God that when you teach, everyone gets a breakthrough in prophecy. Now, all that we’ve been talking about begs the question, if all can be activated in the prophetic, what is stopping us? We’ll be right back.

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April 27th, 2020 at 5:43 am

Our Guests Tony Kemp

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TONY:  Let me tell you one of the things that I learned from listening to the guests on “It’s Supernatural.” I saw common themes. One of those themes is this. First, a person would share the revelation of the Word. God forgives your sins and heals all your diseases. Second, the person would respond to the revelation of the Word.  And third, they would get miraculous results. Look at somebody, look at— okay, I’m gonna, I’m gonna make all of you African-American for a moment. Look at someone and say “you gonna talk in church!”

AUDIENCE:  You’re gonna talk in church! 

TONY:  Look at your neighbor and say “Neighbor”— 

AUDIENCE:  Neighbor!

TONY:  —”receive the revelation of the Word!”

AUDIENCE:  Receive the revelation of the Word.

TONY:  Look at somebody else and say, “Neighbor”—

AUDIENCE:  Neighbor!

TONY:  —”respond to the Word!”

AUDIENCE:  Respond to the Word!

TONY:  And then look at æem and say: “Neighbor”—

AUDIENCE:  Neighbor!

TONY:  —”when you respond to the revelation”—

AUDIENCE:  When you respond to the revelation— 

TONY:  — “you will receive a supernatural manifestation”—

AUDIENCE:  —you will receive a supernatural manifestation!

TONY:  —”and you will see Biblical results!”

AUDIENCE:  And you will see Biblical results!  Whooo! (CLAPPING)

TONY:  Let me give you some very interesting instructions. If you’re sick and I pray for you, do me a favor. Don’t be praying while I’m praying. because you can’t transmit and receive at the same time. because while you’re transmitting you’re not receiving. Instruction Number Two: Please don’t try to get healed. While you’re trying you actually getting in the way.


TONY:  Instruction Number Three: Look at somebody and say “Take a chill pill.”

AUDIENCE:  Take a chill pill!

TONY:  Look at somebody and say “Just relax”—

AUDIENCE:  Just relax.

TONY:  —”and receive.”

AUDIENCE:  And receive.

TONY:  Watch me now. Everybody say: Revelation.

AUDIENCE:  Revelation.

TONY:  “Response.”

AUDIENCE:  Response.

TONY:  “Results”—

AUDIENCE:  Results.

TONY:  Listen to me carefully. Okay. There’s a person here you’ve been suffering a bladder problem. That’s the revelation. If you’ll stand right now, your response will release a supernatural healing into your body. Is there anybody else? Excellent. Now here’s what I want you to do. If you are close to someone who is standing I want you to lay your hands on æem. Look at somebody and say “Body Ministry.”

AUDIENCE:  Body Ministry.

TONY:  Look at somebody and say “Jesus said where two or three are gathered together”— 

AUDIENCE:  Jesus said where two or three are gathered together.

TONY:  —”He said æI am here.Æ”

AUDIENCE:  He said I am here.

TONY:  Now listen, I don’t want you to pray. I just want you to receive the prayer. Are you ready to be healed?  Everybody agree with this prayer. And I want you to begin, if you don’t mind, to begin to pray for them. In the name of Jesus I take authority over this sickness and disease and I command it to die, dissipate and disappear from the person’s body now! Be healed in the name of Jesus!  Now let’s all lift up our hands to give God a praise!


TONY:  Amen. You may be seated. Okay. I need the person who is having pain in the knee to stand up right now. Everybody who’s having pain in the knee stand up right now. You’re having pain right now, yes? Take a few steps out. Why are you having pain? Why are you having pain? Why? Yes. Just real brief. Okay. Stay right there. Do you have pain? I thought you said you had pain? It just disappeared. Just gone. Well you’re healed. See you later. Bye.


TONY:  What! You don’t have any pain? You said you had pain. Well tell these people and I will speak in the microphone. What was your problem? You had pain in right knee. Did you know why? You had arthritis. Really? And now it’s— gone. Oh!


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April 17th, 2020 at 3:24 am

Our Guests Hank Kunneman, Tracy Cooke and Jeremiah Johnson

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HANK:  Talking about light, he talked about how there’s going to come inventions of light that have to do with medical cures. Medical cures watch. It’s coming for children especially in the area of cancers. There are major medical breakthroughs that are going to come out of Israel. The Lord is going to show us how simple this has been …

SID: No wonder the devil is trying to destroy Israel.

HANK:  Yes, that’s right. Because Israel is where the Lord brought the original balm of Gilead. The healing balm from Israel is going to happen again out of Israel. Major medical discoveries that won’t be held up through bureaucracy because of just the evidence that’s coming. One of the other things I saw is the Lord bringing land rest. In fact, I was watching the weatherman. They were talking about how they were prognosticating all these hurricanes and all of a sudden the hurricanes didn’t happen. They were saying, “What is going on?” And God sit in the vision. “This is because I have given the land rest.” And I said in the vision, I said, “Well, how can this be possible? Don’t you understand God, all of the evil?” And the Lord said, “Listen, I raised up a man, Joseph, a righteous man under a King or a ruler, Pharaoh who did not know the Lord or honor the Lord. Yet I gave the land rest because of Joseph.” This is what’s coming upon the United States and it’s what’s coming up the earth. Rest.

HANK:  And the other thing we’re going to see, God said this, and in every decade, okay, there’s always something significant that happens in every decade. You know, music or maybe you know, like the hippie movement or something like that. This decade, God said, has been given to and for the children. That’s why there’s going to be major breakthroughs regarding childhood diseases and things that have plagued this generation. The things that we’ve seen regarding certain cancers. Alzheimers, diabetes are going to be known, watch this now, as sicknesses of the past. This is how much God is going to let it rain upon the just and the unjust.

HANK:  The Lord’s desire is three elections to raise up his plan that he wants to cover a recompense movement. Okay? Pay attention to the words..

SID: I just heard it. Recompense.

HANK:  Recompense, but the trumpet has to sound louder for a while to expose corruption. That’s one of the things that we’re going to see is major corruption. In fact, Putin is going to get restless in Russia, but God’s going to cage him. China’s going to try to come to the aid of North Korea, but they’re going to have so many of their own issues in their economy and protests that are going to arise. Asia Minor is going to become Asia Major. Major outbreakings. The underground church is about to arise as the bamboo curtain comes down. The veil that’s been over the middle East. There’s going to be major movements of people gathering in the Middle East, even in the United States, especially among the children. But in the Middle East, watch the areas of the pyramids and the President at the time this happens in Egypt is going to allow these protests, not protests, but gatherings of worship where the areas of the pyramids are. They’re going to say Yeshua, Yeshua, Yeshua.

HANK:  This is going to happen. Major difference of music is going to start coming out of the nations. A different sound in worship and praise is going to begin to take place. Supreme Court vacancies. I mean it’s going to seem like one after another. It’s going to start happening and there is yet, God has not yet pulled the covers back but there is a major exposing that is coming at a very high level that will even touch the Supreme Court that will be part of the reason why vacancies will take place. But there are coming rulings like 8-1, 6-3, 7-2, and it’s going to shock people because we’re getting judges righteous as the first.

SID: I tell you what. I like happy endings. Now, my next guest has seen judgment or sickness and even death hitting many ministers and politicians this year. Be right back.

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April 7th, 2020 at 5:28 am

Our Guest Ana Werner

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SID: Okay, now you’re going to love this next dance. Remember, when she uses the word dance it’s literally a strategy from victory. Many of my guests provoke me to such jealousy like Ana. I said, “Ana, do you ever see body parts hanging in the air that God wants to put into some of the people in the congregation?” She’ll say, “Oh yeah, I see that. Yeah. Isn’t that normal?” Tell me about in Washington, DC, the body parts you saw.

ANA: We were praying and then suddenly I looked up and I saw these kidneys fall from the sky. So I grabbed them. Now this sounds weird, but I grabbed them.

SID: You can see why she provokes me to jealousy, don’t you?

ANA: And so I held them and I say, “Who here needs kidneys?” Then slowly but surely this woman came forward and she said, “Oh, that’s me.” I said, “I’ve got them. Can I pray for you to be healed from whatever’s going on?” She said, “Yes, yes, yes.” So I prayed. I said, “In Jesus’ name, I pray for the creative miracle of new kidneys.” I just released them and then she was completely healed. How I know she was healed is she said, “God, I want to test this.” She went to drink gallons of water, which she could never hold her urine before without pain and she was completely healed. It was amazing.

SID: One of my favorite dances is the dance of joy. Tell me about that.

ANA: I think joy is one of the most overlooked weapons we have against the enemy. There’s that Scripture in Psalm 23 that says, “I sit at the banquet table in the presence of my enemies,” and I think, man. Then in Psalms also, in 16 it says, “In your presence is fullness of joy.” So if we’re going to sit at the banquet table where there’s a feast before us in the middle of our enemies and going through warfare, we can actually get full of joy. When we get filled of … Because His presence, we get filled of His presence. We get filled of joy. It actually shifts the atmosphere. I’ve seen this personally come. I’ve seen it in action because I pray for people sometimes and Sid, I have to tell them, “I’m not laughing at your situation. I’m just going to warn you, when I get full of his presence I giggle. I just start laughing.”

I said, “Please don’t be offended,” but just like I’m laughing now. Please don’t be offended. But I just feel His goodness and I know that He’s going to heal you, so I just get full of joy. And what happens is then they get healed and I’m like, “Praise God.” So this thing about joy is so important. But see, we don’t think about warfare like that. We don’t think, oh, we could sit up in His banquet table. People ask me how do you do that? How do you sit up at his banquet table?

I say now, this seems simple, but I take the scripture and I take it and put it into action. It says Philippians 4:8, it says, “Meditate or dwell on the good things, the pure things, the righteous thing.” I take that and I sit and I go, “Okay, I think about Jesus. Jesus, you’re good. I love you, God because you’re sovereign. Father.” So what happens is I’m doing that. I’m no longer thinking about what I’m going through, the hard things, the testing stuff I’m going through. I just think about Him, and as I think about Him, suddenly things start to get lighter, right? It’s like, then you can find yourself right up feasting in His presence. The banquet table is all about feasting in the presence of God.

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March 28th, 2020 at 4:20 am

Our Guest Patricia King

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SID: There are two kinds of heavenly encounters. Everyone knows about one kind. That’s the sovereign one, where someone’s caught up into heaven, but very few understand about the second kind. Tell me about that sovereign one that happened to you.

PATRICIA: Well, in 1994, it’s January 1994, I was in Florida at a revival meeting and I did not know, Sid, at that particular time that you could actually access heaven when you were living in the Earth. I didn’t know it. But the Holy Spirit took me up into heaven in that meeting and it was definitely sovereign. Sovereign, we mean, it’s under God’s control. It’s not like, we didn’t believe for it to happen or anything like that. And I was actually shocked and all of heaven was laughing. There was such joy in heaven. And I struggled with that a little bit at the time because I thought, well down on planet Earth, we’ve got a lot of issues that need to be looked after. We could use your help, but it looks like you’re having a party up here or something. Right?

And so I was a little bit struggling with that. And the Lord spoke to me, He said, “We don’t have any anxiety here. There’s nothing that we are concerned about because the victory is already secured and we live from that position. And we want you to live from that position in the earth.” And so it was a real testimony to me and I gleaned a lot out of it. I had some other visions within that encounter and that … but when I came out, I wanted more of those sovereign encounters. So I kept crying, “Oh God, take me back, take me back.” And I was waiting for God to sovereignly pick me up again and take me into heaven. And it didn’t happen.

Then you bumped into a mutual friend of ours, a prophet that is now in heaven. His name was Bob Jones. And it changed her whole paradigm about ascending or descending with heaven. Explain it.

PATRICIA: So that was six years later and I’ve been praying for another encounter this whole time and I was picking up Bob Jones from the airport, first time I met him, but I’d heard a lot about him and about his spiritual encounters. And so, when I picked him up, we were in the car going back to his hotel and I told him about my 1994 encounter. And he says, “Yep, I have those every day. They’re my raptures.” He called them his raptures, right?

I said, “You have these every day? I would love to have these every day.” He says, “Well, you can have them every day.” And I said, “Well, would you pray for me?” He said, “Yep, but not now.” So I thought, “Oh Lord, this is going to be amazing.” So the next day we’re in the lunchroom at the conference, and he says, “Well, do you want to go?”

And I said, “Yeah, you mean like right now?” He says, “Yep.” He said, “It says in the Bible, in Ephesians 2, that we’re seated in heavenly places in Christ and Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven.” So he said, “You’re already there. Why are you asking for something that you already have?” And it was like, “What? I don’t feel like I’m already there.” And he said, “It’s got nothing about feeling, it’s about following the Spirit. Right? And also in Hebrews it says that we’re to come boldly before the throne of grace to obtain mercy and to receive grace in time of need.” Well–

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March 16th, 2020 at 3:51 am